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build a wix website with wix designer professional

Getting Started On Your Website

AKA The Nitty Gritty Stuff

build a wix website with wix designer professional

You've decided on a Maloo Website...
Welcome aboard!!!

My aim is to bring your website to life with a simple process, whether it be a brand new website or helping you finish your own Wix website.

To ensure we are all on the same page and all your details are in one simple place, could you provide your answers on our Website Onboarding Form.


Please fill in the details as best you can, I refer back to this for all the important things like your official business name, addresses, phone numbers etc.

Your details form

Let's Get Your Website Underway

Let's Start With You

Now A Bit About Your Business

Would You Like Your Phone Number Visible On Your Website?
Only Through Buttons on The Mobile Version
Would You like Your Business Address on Your Website?
Just My Suburb/Locale Please

Tell Me About Your Business below:

What do you do?

What sets you apart? - Why would someone choose you over your competitors?

Bullet points are fine or feel free to send through a word doc with your text and what you'd like to say

The more information we have to work with the better the result

Let's Talk Design

Let's talk about what you'd like to see on your website, my aim is to deliver a site you love first time, so the information you supply below will really help us both achieve this

Can you supply the URL's to 3 websites you like the look of and why. You may like the colours of #1, the layout of #2 and the animation of #3. From this information I can create a combination of all the elements and it will become your own unique site. This way we start on the same 'visual page'

A few extra  quick links for you

A new user friendly version of our T&Cs is underway
- hold tight

build a wix website with wix designer professional
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